SDF Plan 9 virtual bootcamp
Hey, folks, sorry about the late notice, but I just learned that SDF, a free Unix open-access site that's available to anyone over the internet, is running their summer 2024 Plan 9 virtual bootcamp starting tomorrow, June 20th:

What SDF is about

Plan 9 is kinda-sorta like "UNIX 2.0," in that the people responsible for creating the original UNIX operating system in the very late 60s and early 70s, decided to create a new, streamlined system that incorporated everything they had learned, as well as making networking and graphical interfaces a primary part of the system. SDF is running 9front, the most active branch or agglomeration of Plan 9 enthusiasts. More about 9front.

If you're not ready to dive in and you just want to get a taste of how Plan 9 works and what it looks like, surf over to and select "9front" from the list (you can also play with other operating systems).


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