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Linux on Tablets? - Printable Version

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Linux on Tablets? - brew - 05-19-2024

At May's CC-LUG meeting yesterday (18 May), Patrick brought up alternatives to Android on phones and tablets.  We discussed Lineage OS, and possibly one or  two others. 

  I purchased a Samsung Tab A 8.4 from ComputerCorps to use as a pdf reader and potentially for presentations.  I bought a "dock" with it, and can not get the HDMI to drive a screen.  The USB ports work and I can move files easily.  After many attempts, I have a semi-functional pdf reader  (Foxit), so at least a part of the tablet's mission is accomplished.

  The tablet has a bunch of junk apps installed, Bixby and AT&T TV among the most annoying.  Yes, they can be disabled, but not removed.  I also hate the AT&T start screen with its hideous music (using that word loosely).

  Looking at the Lineage OS site today, this tablet appears to be supported, and I took the first steps to replace Android with Lineage today--enabled developer mode and USB debugging on the tablet.

  In the next few days, I'll put adb and fastboot on my laptop (Ubuntu 22.04) and attempt to open a channel between the laptop and the tablet.

  Assuming that all works, I'll follow the instructions to get Lineage OS on the tablet.  Of course, I will update this thread with updates and roadblocks, and hopefully bring the tablet with Lineage installed to June's meeting.

  FYI, I am following the instructions for the Tab A at:  https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/gtowifi/

RE: Linux on Tablets? - LukeT - 05-19-2024

Looks fun Brew! Good luck!!

RE: Linux on Tablets? [Abandoned] - brew - 06-09-2024

Here's the promised follow-up.

  -  Installed adb and fastboot on my Ubuntu 22.04 Dell 'production' laptop.
  -  Samsung Tab A 8.4 went willingly into 'Developer Mode' and 'USB debugging', but will not go into 'OEM unlock'--that option never appears.
  -  There were a lot of dark alleys on the interwebs that might have led to unlocking, but none of them panned out.

After a lot of research, it appears that my particular tablet is NOT supported, and I am abandoning this "LineageOS on my tablet" project.